Uncaged Success Council

Your Personal Board of Directors

Have you ever felt lonely and Isolated while building your business? Even with most traditional "guru" based coaching models, it can feel isolating with very little (if any access to the coach). This leaves you making decisions on your own without the guidance and support necessary. Success Councils are designed to solve this problem for you!

What's Involved?

Bimonthly Meetings

We meet on the first and third week of the month. Calls are dedicated to vision and goal casting, masterminding with other members, problem solving, and training sessions with our team of coaches. Your success council will be 6-8 other business owners along with a success coach (one of the Uncaged Clinician Team members)

Quarterly Advisor Meetings

Our team of coaches meets quarterly with you to discuss current struggles and goals for the upcoming quarter. We use these calls to develop a quarterly plan for your success.

Annual Summit

An in person event in the fall of each year to collaborate with all other members of Uncaged Clinician Success Council. These events are geared to be focused on personal development, self care, and business operations and development.

Coaching Access

Work with our team of coaches on a monthly basis or do a "6 week push" where we work on project based solutions in your business with weekly 1:1 coaching.

Schedule a growth strategy session

Not sure this is the right program for you? Schedule a call with someone on our team!

What others are saying?

"Uncaged pathway has allowed me to build my business significantly faster than I would have done it on my own. The structure of the calls and the attention to individual problems is exceptional!
- Christina. R
" I loved the program. It was a great jumpstart with really nice and knowledgeable people! Long list of things learned."
- Lisa Garon.
" I feel I have a better foundation having gone through Launchpad than if I had just tried to figure it all out on my own."
- Rebecca Gardner-Reilly

Other benefits


Go High Level is a CRM that can run all the back end systems of your business. We provide this FREE for one year so that you can have the appropriate systems as you start, not just once you can afford them. Following the first year, we offer a discounted rate of $100/month.

Resource Library

There are a number of learning modules that you'll go through to understand the concept and principals of running and operating a business. These are video based with handouts and additional resources available to you during the time you're a client and to come back to in the future if you need a refresher or need to evolve in a particular area. Success Council members have access to all other courses Uncaged Clinician have developed including Launchpad and Pathway.


How long is the commitment?

The commitment for a success council is 12 months.

Does the price differ based on practice size?

No. The base and the base plus options are the same price for each Success Council member.  If an owner would like for his or her team members to have 1:1 coaching calls, there is a separate per-call charge.

Can I pause my membership?

No. We ask for a 12 month commitment.  We do understand that extraneous circumstances can come up and will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Can I change which Success Council I'm in?

No. Each council is established for a minimum of 6 months. The value of being in a Success Council is in building and fostering relationships which requires consistency over time. If after 6 months you feel like you'd be better matched with. a different group you can change.

How many members are in each group?

There will be 6-8 members in each group

How are Success Councils determined?

Once you sign up you’ll be asked to fill out a practice information questionnaire. This information will be used to best place you in a success council. There are a number of factors that we consider including size of practice, revenue, location, target population, goals, etc.

Who leads the success councils?

A rotating team of Uncaged Clinician trained Success Coaches will facilitate the discussions. The purpose of a success coach is to facilitate discussion, however, each member of a success council is responsible for a portion of the meeting.

What happens during a success council call?

Calls maintain three primary structures.

Structure one is a “mastermind” call where each member will have a chance to share their primary obstacles and allow the other members to share strategies to overcome these concerns. Each member has about 30 minutes to present their questions during these times.

The second structure is vision casting and goal setting calls lead by our team of coaches

The final call is a "wild card" where one of our team members will present on various strategies to develop and build your practice.

Who can join Success Councils?

Success Councils are intended to be for people who are full time in their own practice (Uncaged) and not dependent upon outside work.

Uncaging Clinicians.

Revitalizing Healthcare.

Resouces for New Practice Owners

Are you an aspiring practice owner?

Uncaged Clinician is committed to providing resources and education for therapists looking to "UNCAGE" themselves from corporate healthcare and capture the joy they can have in healthcare.

Below are both FREE and paid resources to help you as you start a practice.


10 Step Checklist

-steps including-

Liabilities and Legalities

Choosing documentation systems

Liability Insurance Options


Intake form recommendations

... and more!

Schedule a Growth Strategy Session Session

Talk with someone on our team to develop a plan and

help you grow your practice and accomplish your goals!

Uncaged Proof of Concept

Initial mindset of an Entrepreneur

Initial Marketing strategies

Initial Pricing strategies

Leveraging your resources

and MORE!

Uncaged Clinician Podcast

We release weekly content that we encourage your to listen to. Here are the top 5 episodes we recommend for new practice owners!

This episode addresses common hurdles faced by clinicians when launching and expanding their own practices, offering practical advice for sustainable growth.

This episode addresses common hurdles faced by clinicians when launching and expanding their own practices, offering practical advice for sustainable growth.

The hosts provide strategies for communicating with medical doctors about the benefits of cash-based services, enhancing referrals and patient care.

Simply wanting to build a practice that isn't the competition isn't good enough. How do you build a practice that is authentic to who you are and the values that you have?

The hosts discuss choosing business models that take into consideration different factors including affordability for the client, value provided, and cost of doing business.


Are you looking for more in depth resources, coaching, or accountability?

Clinical Forms

Starter Pack

Forms Including

Credit Card Processing

Client Intake

Clinical Documentation

Discovery Visit consent

Financial Agreement


Informed Consent

Health Coaching Consent

Cancellation Policy

... and more!

Uncaged Clinician Launchpad Program

the premiere program in the industry to help your healthcare business get launched with the right foundation.
  • Build your brand

  • Get your ducks in a row

  • Start with the right systems

  • Get the accountability you need to succeed!

Uncaged Clinician Launchpad Program

Be UNCAGED within 1 Year!
Mentorship and Coaching focused on helping you build a business with these 5 primary pillars.
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Marketing Strategies and Principles

  • Professionalism in Sales

  • High level service

  • Business metrics and management

Schedule a Growth Strategy Session Session

Not sure one of our programs is right for you?

Schedule a FREE call with someone on our team to discuss your goals and options

Additional Resources

David's Book

Jane App

Uncaging Clinicians.

Revitalizing Healthcare.