David Bayliff, PT, MPT is Co-founder, Chief People Officer, and Coach for UNCAGED CLINICIAN. He started his physical therapy career in 1994. Following 19 years in the corporate healthcare world, burnout led David to launch his mobile practice, Bayliff Integrated Wellness. In 2018, he formed The Mobile PT LEAGUE Facebook group, which would evolve into the UNCAGED CLINICIAN in 2020. As owner of the Facebook group, David found himself having many conversations with clinicians looking to escape corporate healthcare. The result was a transition from clinician to mentor. Today, David has partnered with friends, Josh Payne and Kevin DeGroot, to form the UNCAGED CLINICIAN success council coaching programs. Their mission is to help other clinicians burnt out and frustrated by the corporate system to regain the passion they had when they first entered school by guiding them in building their own dreams. UNCAGED CLINICIAN operates on the core values of LOVE, SERVE, CARE, and LEAD.

Uncaging Clinicians.

Revitalizing Healthcare.